Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Corvette Commercials

Check out this cool commercial... it's every kid's dream.... but it was banned from TV.... See Commercial Here

Here's another one you might like.... Corvette Oops!


kfroese said...

those commercials are funny. i can't see why they'd ban that commercial. do they really think that hundreds of kids are now going to try driving without a license? c'mon!
the one with the door getting ripped off is hilarious!

Louise said...

Unlike your brother... I CAN see why it would be banned :) Looks like you're getting plagued with non-sense spam (above) too! Auntie Judy's been getting a bunch!

Sarah said...

I just enabled word verification... so hopefully that will help with the junk.

Sarah said...

I don't know why I came here to see if there was an update... but it would be cool if you surprised me with a new post without me doing it for you!!!!!!